Jacques Herbin Vert Réséda: Ink Review
Jacques Herbin Vert Réséda is a sweet shade of minty green that's fresh and perfect for spring. If you are looking to freshen up your writing this season, J. Herbin Vert Réséda will do the trick. Let's get down to it!
Supplies Used:
- LAMY AL-star with medium steel nib (also EF and B nib)
- Rhodia No. 16 dotpad, 80g white paper
- Tomoé River white paper
- Moleskine notebook
Smear Test (Dry Time):
- Long-This ink took longer than 30 seconds to dry. If you are quickly flipping pages or a lefty who tends to smear, this might not be the ink for you.
Drip Test (Water Resistance):
- Low– Nope. Not an ink to use around water. It disappeared almost completely when water was applied. Look elsewhere if you are going for longevity or plan on writing in the rain.
- High– This sucker has serious saturation, folks! Not a hint of difference between the three swabs.
Ease of Cleaning:
- Easy– No water resistance means it easily washes out of your pen!
- Medium– A gentle, lovely, amount of shading. The shading in this ink is definitely pen related.
- Medium– Great flow! When partnered with the long dry time, you could almost say wet.
Packaging and Aesthetics:
- 30ml glass bottle with 2ml ink samples also available.
- Pretty little bottle with a square shape that fits nicely into a beautiful box.
- The opening on the bottle is fairly small- could make it difficult to fill your pen once the supply gets low.

Inks similar in color:

If you are into minty green colored ink, this is a great ink to try! Although it is a light color, it's easy to read off the page. It is more of a light-hearted, playful ink, not ideally suited to an office.